Secrets of Independent Living
I just read an inspiring story about a pair of newlyweds from Florida. The couple leads an interesting, carefree, and active life in a variety of ways including travel, hobbies, and political activism, to name a few.

I just read an inspiring story about a pair of newlyweds from Florida. The couple leads an interesting, carefree, and active life in a variety of ways including travel, hobbies, and political activism, to name a few.
They met at a gym where each of them worked out and continue to attend a few times a week. Once they were introduced they became inseparable. Often seen driving around in a red Toyota Corolla, holding hands and kissing, they were obviously falling in love. She is 98 and he is 94.
When looking for the answers to what kept them so young at heart, they explain that they don’t look at life’s obstacles - they simply do what they want to do. Trying not to over-think or over-worry things they cannot change helps them live well and on their own terms.
It made me think of my parents, married when they were 21 and 25. That was the norm for the time. They had a courtship of just three months. Going strong now for over 57 years, it’s an inspiration to all of their kids to see them living healthy, loving and independent lives together. I asked them what they thought their secret was staying together to which they replied, “It’s important that when we’ve decided to do something, we know that we have each other’s support.”
I’m a people watcher, especially at airports. There are a lot of interesting people wandering about. When I see senior couples I can’t help but wonder what their secrets are to staying healthy and how they maintain the ability to travel, especially internationally.
Look at your own family and ask your elders what stories and perspectives they might have to share. It could be time to invite Mom and Dad out for dinner and ask them for some details. It could be a fun and warm experience for your parents to reminisce and share their insights with you.
As much as we love to hear these stories of successful independent living, most of us understand that sometimes there comes a time when Mom and Dad cannot live on their own. This can be a tough family decision as to how to keep them safe. Senior Care Authority is here to help you during this time with a no-cost phone call consultation at (888) 854-3910. We have many resources to share with you. You can also find a local advisor on our website at
Written by Guest Blogger, Jennifer Smit